meet the author
Rondy Long Jr
Rondy Long Jr. was born in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he miraculously accepted Christ at the age of six. He read through most of the New Testament by the age of seven and passionately began evangelizing his neighborhood. At the age of eight, his family moved to Houston, Texas and he answered the call to preach at age thirteen. He and Regina met two years later in the tenth grade and dated five years before marrying. Since writing Waiting, Dating, & Mating, he has held many conferences about this subject resulting in thousands of singles being helped in their love life and over one hundred couples being married.
Rondy attended the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Communications. He has authored many other notable books and is the founder of Last Generation Ministries. As well as the founder and Senior Pastor of Kingdom Church of Houston, he is the successful owner and director of Kingdom Counseling, Last Generation Publishing, and King's Kids Academy in Houston, TX.

Awesome book. This book has showed me how to allow God to choose my spouse. We then went through every step including the practical things. Our first date was literally a group date. It was an awesome journey and now we are married. This book is a must for every Christian!
("Joint Heir"-Amazon review)

Rondy Long Jr

Their Story is featured in the WDM book.

Their Story is featured in the WDM book.

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